Initial Visit
Your first visit to Akridge Orthodontics will be your complimentary evaluation. You can lay any fears aside, because this is completely painless and easy. We will take a quick look in your mouth to see if there is a need for braces. Our friendly staff will chat with you, making sure all your questions are answered.
Records Appointment
During your records appointment, one of our friendly assistants will compile the information we need to start planning for your perfect smile. We’ll take some pictures, make molds of your teeth, and take 1 or 2 x-rays. The doctor will go over all of this information and develop a treatment plan.
At Akridge Orthodontics, we believe in taking our time in planning so we get your smile perfect! We never rush and we will listen to you and answer any concerns you may have.
Placement of Braces
Now it’s time to begin to make your dream smile a reality! Placement of appliances happens in two phases. We typically begin with the upper teeth, followed by the lower teeth several months later.
Before beginning placement, we’ll make sure you’re supplied with ample information, so that you know exactly what to expect.