With the application of new braces come a lot of questions! We’ve filtered out some of the most common questions we receive from patients and added them below. If you have a question that is not answered on this page, just reach out to us. We’ll be happy to help!
Braces: My mouth is sore. What can I do?
Braces: My teeth feel loose. Is that normal?
Braces: What should I do about a loose band or wire?
Braces: How do I care for my new appliance?
In the first couple of days, you will want to eat soft foods. Stay away from crunchy foods like raw vegetables or crusty breads. Also avoid meat that requires extensive chewing.
After a few days, you will be able to resume eating more normally. However, there are certain foods you will need to avoid the whole time you are wearing braces. Stay away from extremely chewy foods (like taffy or licorice), hard foods (like nuts), foods you bite into (like apples or corn on the cob), and crunchy foods (like ice or popcorn).
Braces: My mouth is sore. What can I do?
Your mouth may feel sore for the first few days of wearing your new braces. Rinsing with warm salt water can help with this. We recommend dissolving one teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water and swishing this mixture in your mouth. You may also take Advil or something similar. Your new braces may also irritate your tongue, lips or cheeks. Wax can be used to minimize this problem, until your mouth becomes accustomed to your braces.
Braces: My teeth feel loose. Is that normal?
Yes! Your teeth are actually loosening before they move into place. Once they are positioned correctly, your teeth will no longer feel loose. And they’ll be in the RIGHT places!
Braces: What should I do about a loose band or wire?
This does happen from time to time. If a wire is poking you, use something blunt, like a pencil eraser, to gently push the protruding wire underneath the arch wire. If the wire continues to bother you, use wax or wet cotton to minimize the discomfort. If nothing else helps, you can use a fingernail clipper to snip the wire behind the last spot it is securely fastened. Then call our office to set up an appointment so we can check into things.
Braces: How do I care for my new appliance?
Make sure you follow our instructions for wearing rubber bands or headgear. If your braces become damaged, come into our office for proper repairs. Brush and floss regularly.