Days picnicking at the park, family vacations, and special occasions involve decadent desserts and sugary sodas. These summertime treats add up, and they could lead to tooth decay, especially with braces. How can something so yummy be harmful?
1. Sticky. Gum, taffy, caramel and other sticky candies can easily get stuck in braces and could cause something to come loose.
2. Crunchy. Chewing on ice or even crunching on hard candies could break a bracket.
3. Sugary. Sometimes sugary drinks can be the worst culprit because of the acidity and how it is sipped over the course of time. The acidity from the drink creates a domino effect of bacteria and remains on a child’s teeth. Within minutes this acidity is already breaking down enamel.
What’s a parent to do when all of this sweet summertime goodness? Instead of focusing on what your kids can’t have in the summer create some fun alternatives with what they can have.
• Family Water Challenge — Instead of drinking soda this summer, help your family create goals for how much water they could consume each day or even each week. Create rewards that involve water—like heading to your favorite swimming pool, going to a waterpark or having a fun sprinkler/water-fight day at your home.
• Snack Drawer — Pick out a drawer in your fridge/cabinet where your kids can store their healthy snacks. These snacks could include easy to eat fruits, veggies, yogurt, etc. Helping kids to see the options they do have could shift perspective from what they can’t have.
• Enjoy in Moderation — If it’s not too sticky or crunchy and wouldn’t hurt your child’s orthodontia work, then leave room for special moments. Having a soda or dessert when your child can brush and floss immediately afterward, will allow them to celebrate and also keep their teeth healthy.
For more info on increasing your smile in the summertime, contact Akridge Orthodontics.